Online Courses
Each course has been created to assist you in your transformational journey
Heal After Divorce
Reclaim Your Life
A divorce or a break-up of a long term relationship can be very painful and messy, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’t see it yet. My aim in this course is to bring you out of the darkness and into the light and to get in touch with your true power, your inner light and your future self.
Every divorce is different and unique, but – for most of us it’s unknown territory that we must navigate often alone with little guidance or support. You are likely to experience loss, grief, fear, loneliness, confusion and probably an identity crisis.
In ten lessons, I guide you on a journey to heal mentally, emotionally and spiritually and align you to love, peace, abundance and optimism. Whether you are currently in the process of getting divorced, going through a break up of a long term relationship or even if you got divorced or separated years ago but still don’t feel that you’ve fully moved on and found happiness again, this course is here to help you heal from the trauma, find yourself and your truth and create a life that you love.
Reviews from Course Participants
This course was fantastic and helped me get through divorce… very supportive advice. A must listen to anyone going thru this!
Exceptional and comprehensive talk on how to move towards healing from divorce or any serious romantic relationship. Thank you, this was very helpful!
Thank you for this course on such an difficult topic. I loved the journaling prompts and the inner work. I feel I am better equipped now for this chapter of my life than before the course.
This course was exactly what I needed right now and I am so grateful to have found it. I will definitely be listening again to help reinforce its valuable guidance and advice.
What an amazing way to reset. Thank you Nicole. As always your love and kindness combined with great wisdom is shared in the most transformative way.
Thank you for this reality check Nicole. I will repeat this course a number of times in order to fully grasp your healing message.
Soul Visioning
A Process of Manifesting Your Soul’s Desires
Why SOUL visioning? Because anything your soul desires will bring you true happiness and fulfilment!
In this online workshop:
- I’ll be coaching you to reach your soul vision
- Helping you get clarity on soul abundance, and let go of empty desires
- Coaching you to excavate your inventory of energetic blocks to manifesting
- Teaching how to manifest in balance, the power of gratitude and surrender.
You will experience four powerful healing meditations:
- Mindfulness to get present and soul-centred
- Energy clearing to clear you of energetic blocks to manifesting abundance
- Soul alignment to align your intentions to the soul
- Manifestation meditation to manifest your soul abundance.

Reviews from Course Participants
In this powerful nurturing session, energetic blocks were cleared and your soul vision explored. I left feeling positive, grounded, energised and enlightened.
Nicole’s 2020 Visioning Workshop was a thought provoking session as it allowed me to really focus on what was blocking me from moving forward.
A peaceful, different type of visioning workshop that helps you learn to listen to what your soul wants, rather than what your head thinks you want.
Since I did the course, the world has changed. I am tapping into the learnings from the course to create more inner peace to deal with my present life challenges.
I love this course because it’s different to any other manifesting course I have done. It’s all about soul connection and following that.
Nicole’s workshop helped me align with my higher self and purpose and shifted my whole perspective of love, balance and abundance. I saw and felt that it was truly possible to have it all!
Your Purpose is Calling
5 Days to Realising your Soul’s Purpose
Soul purpose is something that is emerging for many right now.
In this online course you will:
- Be guided in a process of self-exploration and insight that leads to finding your purpose
- Self-excavate through a unique journaling process
- Be given powerful tools, such as guided healing meditations, to dive deeply into yourself and connect with the power of the Universe
- Replace the old beliefs that are holding you back from finding and living your purpose
- Discover the gifts we all have from our past and present that are key to your soul plan
- Create a plan for the future to allow your newly found purpose to unfold with grace and ease.

Reset to Love, Peace and Abundance in Challenging Times
A 7 Day Course to Align yourself with the Laws of the Universe
The course includes:
- 7 video lessons for each day of the course;
- A journal and journaling process to help embody the lesson themes;
- 6 powerful healing meditations on the themes of the course;
- Daily and Weekly healing rituals and prayers to use in the future;
- Affirmations for each topic of the course which can be used beyond the course;

Reviews from Course Participants
I have completed the course. And wow! It was just what I needed. I particularly loved the healing meditations and I could feel the energy shift in my body. Thank you
I loved listening to Nicole…and loved her words washing over me and her amazing meditations. The course has been so helpful
The course was comprehensive – a lot of valuable information in one place.
Nicole totally changed my relationship with my own health and wellbeing, and helped me realise that I have the power to heal myself but also love my illness.
This course has given me many powerful tools to help me in my relationships and feel a deep sense of inner peace.
I was blown away by what Nicole teaches about time and how we have the power within us to create enough time for everything we want to do!
I found the journalling process incredibly helpful, and found things out about myself that I previously didn’t know.
Perfect Prosperity
A 12 Day Course on Insight Timer
The primary objective of the Perfect Prosperity course is to heal yourself so as to create the financial abundance that you deserve. This course includes lessons, energy healing meditations, and affirmations to:
- Bring awareness to your current relationship with money
- Examine your family and ancestral beliefs about money
- Heal your current beliefs about money
- Reveal the spiritual truth about money and abundance
- Align you to some key Universal Laws
- Recognise self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to money
- Heal from past financial mistakes, losses, and debt
- Create new wealth-affirming behaviours
- Create new financial intentions
- Have an ongoing healthy relationship with money
A yearly subscription to Insight Timer Premium costs $60, and gives the user access to 1000s of courses by the world’s top teachers.

Releasing Beliefs of Fear and Lack
A 7 Day Course to Heal the Blocks to Happiness
In this course, we will explore and heal some very common beliefs that create in us a sense of fear and lack, and therefore, limit love, happiness, peace, and prosperity.
The purpose of this course is to bring awareness to the hidden programs that may be sabotaging your life, giving you new awareness and knowledge, so as to create love and abundance. We begin by defining the difference between the soul (love) and the ego mind (fear).
Fear-based beliefs create the vibration of lack, while loving beliefs create the vibration of abundance.
Each lesson contains a talk, followed by a guided healing meditation to embody the teaching.
The course is available through Insight Timer.
A yearly subscription to Insight Timer Premium costs $60, and gives the user access to 1000s of courses by the world’s top teachers.

Love Nicole’s work and this course does not disappoint. I will be repeating it I am sure.
So many wonderful insights. Like a warm blanket of love.
Loved it, just what I was looking for!
This course is truly infused with love, light and compassion. This course is exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.