

Spiritual guidance, information and readings
Intensity, Courage, Transformation

Intensity, Courage, Transformation

It is a new moon in Pisces today (3 February) and the energies are extremely intense right now on earth. The old paradigm energies are intensifying on a global level, fighting for survival.  The situation in Ukraine is a perfect example of old paradigm energy...

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My Predictions for 2022

My Predictions for 2022

These predictions are based on my own intuitive readings and also on numerology. 2022 will be a year when many things are going to get better, but some things may get worse. The themes that are coming through are: Simplicity Freedom Action Equality Expansion. I am...

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How to know if you’re self-sabotaging

How to know if you’re self-sabotaging

Most of us self-sabotage, but we don’t do it consciously. In this blog, I’d like to explain why we self-sabotage, how we can become aware of when we’re doing it and how to move beyond self-sabotage. Positive energy is forever flowing in the Universe, always trying to...

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How To Do Boundaries

How To Do Boundaries

You and everyone you have a relationship with is an individual and you each have the freedom to make our own choices. We all have the right and the ability to manage the space between each person we have a relationship with. Every relationship is different and...

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The Empath’s Toolkit

The Empath’s Toolkit

Are you an empath? Do you get exhausted when you spend too much time around people, or get easily affected by the energy of others? If so, you are not alone. Years ago, I used to wonder why I felt so profoundly tired after a lot of social interaction, and even totally...

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How Do I Let Go and Surrender?

How Do I Let Go and Surrender?

If you struggle with letting go and surrendering, you are definitely not alone. None of us have been taught how to do it; in fact most of us have been taught the opposite. We’ve been taught: You’ve got to strive to get ahead You’ve got to make something happen You’ve...

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5 Truths to Know if You Want to Meet Your Soulmate

5 Truths to Know if You Want to Meet Your Soulmate

It’s totally normal and natural to desire a partner, and at the same time it’s important to focus on having a healthy and loving relationship with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is the foundation from which you manifest a relationship, so do not...

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Why is it so Hard to Love Myself?

Why is it so Hard to Love Myself?

At the core of any problem in our lives will be a lack of self-love. Whether it’s relationship difficulties, work problems, financial problems and even health problems. No matter what the issue, when you really drill down to it, the core of it is not loving and...

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The 10 Imposters to Love

The 10 Imposters to Love

In my blog post How to Heal from Toxic Relationships, I refer to the ten impostors to love. These were channelled through to me when I wrote my book A Shift to Bliss and I also refer to them in my Insight Timer Course Releasing Beliefs in Fear and Lack. We are all...

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How to Heal From a Toxic Relationship

How to Heal From a Toxic Relationship

Know that there are no accidents - everyone comes into your life for a reason. We are all energy fields and relationships that are or have been toxic are indicators that there is something in our energy field we need to address and heal. Our wounded self...

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